Start rockin' and rollin' in your business!

Soundscaping Source Music Therapy | Rock That Contract for Music Therapists via

Learn how to run a successful music therapy business in a linear step-by-step way, with coaching support from veteran business owners along the way.

Rock That Contract!

Soundscaping Source Music Therapy | Rock That Contract for Music Therapists via

For Music Therapists whose focus
is contract work.

Learn how to land your next contract, starting with market research, continuing with effective business-to-business (B2B) marketing and sales techniques, and ending with setting up your program and starting strong.

Ready to rock your contracts? Great Click below to get started!

Rock That Practice!

Soundscaping Source Music Therapy | Rock That Contract for Music Therapists via

For Music Therapists focused
on private client work.

Learn how to build a strong and sustainable private practice, starting by determining who your ideal clients are and how you’re going to serve them.

Next, you'll continue on with effective business-to-consumer (B2C) marketing and sales techniques, ending with setting up smart systems, including scheduling, billing, policies, project and space management, and more!